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Tattoo Creeper \\ Marina

Our Tattoo Creeper project is a way to collaborate with talented artists to add their spin on our creepers. We love working with creatives in any capacity & we want to see the world from their lens. To check out more of Marina's work head to her website
Tell us about yourself and the shoes you designed:
Hi! My name is Marina. I am an artist and musician from the Bay Area. I love all things dark and spooky but with a cutesy twist and I feel like these platforms were perfect for mixing both elements. Who says you can’t be magical AND macabre?
How would you describe your art style?
I would describe my style as cute and spooky. I’ve always been a huge horror fan and a lover of Halloween and at the same time I’ve always been drawn to pink and sparkly things.
What I your typical process when coming up with a new design? Is there a source of inspiration you tend to draw from?
I draw a lot of my inspiration from movie monsters, cryptids, music, the world around me and my Chicano culture. I was raised by cholos and cholas, so it’s important for me to represent them in my art but I am also an alternative queer goth at heart, so when coming up with a new character design I pull different elements from everything.
Do you have a favorite piece you’ve done?
I’d have to say my favorite piece that I’ve done so far is Medusa eating hot cheetos just cause it is so dang cute.
What inspired you to pursue a career in the arts?
I think art has always been apart of me, I can’t see myself doing anything else. I’d definitely say my family and growing up in the bay has been a huge inspiration for me. I come from a long line of artists and musicians. Just to name a few of the many, my grandma Stella would always have me paint or craft with her while my papa played guitar in his backyard. My other grandparents were always singing and dancing, they always had music playing in their house. My dad would rap and make beats with my uncles in the garage while my Nino Hector tattooed in our kitchen. I’m grateful for the people who helped make me the artist that I am and I hope to make them proud.