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1 comment / Posted on by Megan Neibert

Our Tattoo Creeper project is a way to collaborate with talented artists to add their spin on our creepers. We love working with creatives in any capacity & we want to see the world from their lens. To check out more of Buddy's work head to his Instagram 


Tell us about yourself & the shoes that you customized:

I’m Buddy, I make tattoos and silly videos online amongst other things! I grew up in a small village in Southern England. Once I finished my apprenticeship I flew out to California to follow the adventure. I painted these shoes with a heavy American traditional influence, using classic motifs with an illustrative twist. I chose the two tone creepers because I love the bold and clean contests between the black and white.


How would you describe your art style?

I’ve always gravitated towards the cruder and more low-brow forms of art. Naturally traditional tattoos made a huge impression on me growing up. Now I am constantly working to develop and find my individual voice within the American traditional landscape. Less is more!


Who or what is your biggest inspiration when coming up with designs?

Outside of vintage flash and studying the pioneers of American tattooing. I use old cartoons, movies, comic books and folk art as inspiration for my designs.


What piece of yours is your all-time favorite and why?

Trying to pick a favorite tattoo or painting is like trying to pick a favorite child! I also focus on looking ahead and not behind, in order to develop and refine my art/voice. Terrible answer sorry.


What is your favorite thing about being an artist?

Being able to create everyday and get paid for it. The freedom to travel and express myself. It’s also nice not having to wear a suit. Haha.

1 comment

  • Posted on by Dragon Jay

    Awesome traditional work. If this idea was offered you would sell a crude load. Being a tattoo artist myself, this is a incredible idea. Amazzzzing idea! Love TUKS and this speaks volumes to a lot of your customers.

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